I have no idea on how I was gonna face everyone after this, Victoria will definitely pay for what she did to me.

"I don't feel good" I say with a raspy voice I say as I fell to the ground.

"Ariana!" Victoria yells as she held me "please don't let this get you" she says with a sad tone. My mind is blank, I feel the whole world is crumbling down.

"I am screwed" I say as I looked at Victoria with a sad eyes "everything is all over for me now" i say.

"She did this intentionally and we both will make sure she pays" Victoria says with anger. I burst out in tears, I tried to hold it but I just couldn't hold it anymore.

"It is not actually her fault, I am guilty! I am a cheater!  A liar and also a manipulator" I say with uncontrollable tears.

"No, please don't Ari. You are nothing of the sort" she says with tears rolling down her cheeks.

"Please don't cry, I deserve all this" I say with a teary voice.

"Get up Ariana, she can't break you".