Ariana's mom wouldn't admit it, but she knows that Sebastian and Victoria are both good for her daughter and she knows they are good friends to her. Sebastian and Victoria still don't know why she is being nice to them, but they decided to go with the flow.

"Isn't it funny, we still end up in the hospital" Ariana's mom says with tears rolling down her cheeks "I am a bad mother to my daughter and that's why she keeps on suffering" she added.

Victoria and Sebastian don't know what to say, if they should console her or just stay quiet and watch her express herself to them. Sebastian made a gesture to  Victoria, she immediately got the hint that he wants her to say something.

"You are not a bad mother, Ariana is lucky to have you" Victoria says calmly, she turned to her and gave her a warm smile.

"I know I have been rude to you and I didn't acknowledge your friendship with my daughter, I deeply sorry for that" she says with an apologetic tone.