WebNovelNext Up36.36%

Last Time

Last time: After a vague but ominous fortune, a girl named Ivy appeared. Quickly meeting and making friends with two kids named Zoe and Colson. Around the same time, they came face to face with a strange beast—one of unknown origin or roots. It terrorized the colony briefly before being subdued and taken away for research. Ivy, Zoe, and Colson managed to get their first real mission. What was to be only a simple wellness check turned into a life-or-death contract to save the farming village of Cassius from Kiari. 

While there, they learned of a power allowing whoever has learned energy to do almost anything their heart desires. 

After completing their mission and returning to Crater, they expelled Ivy from the colony after almost killing Reiza, Aye's(one of the five Hounds) daughter. 



Author's Note: 'Will be used for character's inner thoughts.'

"Normal dialogue tags will be used for speech."

Bold text will indicate a scene change at the beginning of a sentence.


Next Up will return next Tuesday.