Chapter 24- Pre-Hunter Exam (Part 3)

Acht swiftly booked a hotel room and went inside. It was somehow even more luxurious than the one in bluerise city which was weird considering that that room was the most extravagant place he ever stayed at.

'My money is also almost over.' he thought as he checked his ring. There were only a few tens of gold coins left after he kept spending money extravagantly for the past month. The room he booked also cost him a fortune.

After cleaning up, he sat down to meditate and absorb energy. After consuming the soul stones he got from the kobold dungeon, he was able to reach level 5 white soul. He was surprised with that outcome since Scarlett told him that humans could only absorb 55 to 65% of the total energy inside a soul stone.

That means, that he could only mean that even the best people when it comes to controlling energy could only absorb 65% and only reach level 4 white soul. Yet, Acht was already level 5 and he was close to reaching level 6.

He was confused at first, but after thinking about it for some time, he came up with one possible theory.

'I'm getting strong really fast. I feel like my body also changed a lot.' he thought as he took a look at his body shape.

He had been eating well and training well since he came to this world so his body was already in good shape. His muscles grew and his height also increased considerably.

'I can absorb energy with a higher percentage than most people. I could even have a 100% absorption rate.' 

Of course, he can't be sure of his theory since every soul stone is different from the other. Nevertheless, he had a clear advantage over everyone when it comes to leveling up his soul and strengthening his soul force.

Anyway, his meditation went on for a few hours until he was able to break through to level 6. He didn't expect to be able to level up that night but things went well for him.

With each level, he could feel himself understand his soul more and even his gift more. It was weird as if someone was shoving new information into his mind every time he leveled up.

When he opened his eyes, the sun was already setting and he was feeling hungry. 

'Should I go down to eat.' he thought to himself.

He wanted to see around the capital and maybe discover some interesting things around.

With that in mind, he went down to the restaurant that was integrated into the hotel as a part of its facilities. The place was filled with people, mostly candidates who were there for the pre-hunter exam.

They were all sitting with each other, talking and having fun as if they weren't having a bloody battle between them a few hours ago.

"Should I go to another place?" He thought as he looked around. But, to his surprise, there was an empty table with only one person sitting on it.

'Isn't that….the blonde girl?' he squinted his eyes and saw the blonde girl sitting alone while munching on her food slowly.

No one wanted to approach her or even talk with her because of her aura that excused elegance and coldness.

'I don't want to interact with her. I could find another restaurant out there.' 

He then turned around to leave secretly, but the girl lifted her eyes for a brief moment and saw him leaving the place.

She stood and chased him. 

'Oh, great! I should've expected that.' he thought as he walked out of the hotel and behind him was the blonde girl who kept looking at him without even trying to hide it.

The two walked in the streets for a while, Acht was trying so hard to ignore her presence but her gaze was just way too strong. He felt as if he was getting stabbed in the back continuously.

Finding no other choice, Acht increased his walking speed and turned around a path that was not as populated as the other parts of the city.

The girl followed behind him and took the turn. But, she didn't find him standing there. As she was about to look for him around the place, a cold voice spoke to her from behind.

"Didn't I tell you not to follow me?" 

The girl didn't seem to be surprised or scared, she just turned around quietly and looked at Acht.

Then, with steady steps, she approached him and touched his cheek. Her eyes were warm and clear as if she was looking at a person she loved.

Acht's mind stopped working for a split second before rebooting again. He wasn't expecting this kind of outcome.

"What are you doing?" He asked as he retreated slightly.

The girl didn't speak and walked up to him again. She tried to touch his cheek just like before but Acht didn't allow her to do so.

"I said, what are you doing?" His hand was holding her arm so she doesn't touch him again.

This time the girl had no choice but to stop her weird actions and spoke with a quiet voice.


"Huh?" Acht looked puzzled at first but he somehow understood what she meant.

"You want us to be friends?"

The girl nodded her head to his question with a happy face.

"I see, and why do you want to become friends with me?" 


"No, I mean-"

"Friends." She kept repeating the same word again and again like a broken recorder.

'Why am I always attracting weird people like a magnet? How should I deal with her now?' He rested his head on his hand as he sighed exasperatedly.


"I get it…sigh, If we become friends, would you stop following me?"

The girl made an extremely adorable confused expression before nodding her head. She seemed satisfied for some reason.

"Fine, we could be friends. Now I have to go, see you later." He then walked away with a tired look. He had to use all of his energy to deal with the weird girl.

"I have no idea what she will do next." He muttered as he crossed the road to check one of the restaurants on the other side.

'She should've left me righ-' 

He took a peek to make sure she left, but she was there, walking behind him.

He halted his steps and said, "What is it now?" 

"We are friends…We have fun."

'I think I will be breaking one of my rules that I don't kill kids tonight.' He pondered seriously over the idea before shaking his head.

He never killed a small child in his life and he never intended to do so if he didn't have to. And besides, he knew that the girl didn't mean harm to him with her weird personality. She was just as innocent as children could be.

"We can have fun later."


"No, we can d-"


'What did I do to you, goddess? Are you having fun torturing me like this?' he clicked his tongue in frustration.

"Sigh, do whatever you want." He then entered the restaurant along with her.

He ordered a meal and then looked at the girl who was sipping a cup of water silently.

"What's your name then?" He asked as he rested his head on his fist.

"Tania." She answered briefly before returning to sipping the cup of water.

"Umm, I'm Acht." He didn't know how to respond to her so his answer came out with an awkward cough.

Then, they both sat silently waiting for food.

'Is this her having fun?'

The meal then came and Acht started eating his food. It somehow seemed like a shore for him at this point.

After taking a few bites, he looked at Tania, she was also gazing at him or to be more precise, at his plate.

He took a look at her and then at his food a few times before speaking.

"You want some?" 

She nodded quietly.

"You can eat with me." He took a small portion of the food and gave it to her.

The girl took it happily and started eating it. In a matter of seconds, she ate the whole portion, leaving behind a clean plate.

'Wasn't she eating at the hotel a few minutes ago?' he thought.

After devouring her food, she looked at Acht's plate again with the same intensity as before.

Acht didn't know how to react, he just sat there perplexed. He was a hitman so his ability to deal with all kinds of people was top-notch, to say the least. He could act as any character he wanted at any given time. But, when it comes to Tania, he becomes incapable of handling the situation and his ability to speak becomes that of a toddler. No one has ever been able to make him act like that until this time.

With nothing left in hand, he slid the plate to her side of the table silently. She understood his intentions and gladly ate the food without hesitation.

The food was eaten in a matter of minutes, then she wiped her mouth and sat silently sipping on the rest of the cup of water. She didn't seem affected by the huge meal she ate a few moments ago.

'She's strong…way too strong.' Acht thought as he sighed inwardly.


I hope you enjoyed the chapter. Don't forget to support this book. Thank you and have a good day <3