Chapter 35- The Beginning

"Ugh…" A small groan escaped Acht's mouth as he opened his eyelids slowly. He was still in a groggy state so he couldn't understand what was going on around him for the first few seconds. Then, when his mind started functioning again and he remembered what happened, he woke up completely and looked around him frantically.

He didn't find himself in the factory where he fainted, but in a luxurious room that he knew very well.

"How did…" before he could even mutter the question. He felt a weird feeling on his left side.

"Nnn" A small and cute voice reached his eyes when he looked to his side. There, he found Tania sleeping peacefully while hugging him tightly.

"What the…" He couldn't understand the weird situation he was in. Firstly, he wakes up in his room again, and then he finds Tania sleeping in his bed.

'Did she heal me?' He thought while inspecting his body and seeing his condition. He was back in peak form. He even felt a little bit better than he was before.