Chapter 45- The Regrets Of A Lifetime (Part 3)

*Bang* *Thud*

Inside a room in some shady building barely 400 meters away from where Acht and Dia lived, a man was kicked as he fell to the ground with a groan.

He had a blood stain in the middle of his trousers with all kinds of injuries on his face. The culprit for such torture was obviously Acht. He had dragged this man across the street like a goat while Dia followed behind him with an extremely worried look. She was beyond nervous and even thought of stopping Acht a few times as they were walking.

But, every time, she shook her head while remembering the words he said to her.

'I need to trust him. If I don't trust him, then who will?' She resolved herself and then approached him.

"Why do you want his money?" She asked.

"For us of course, silly. I want us to make a fresh start."

"But, what if he tries to find us. You don't believe that this could make him stop his hideous crimes, right?"