Chapter 48- Equal, Yet Different

Instantly, two strong auras erupted at the same time. The sheer pressure coming from them made the trees shake violently and the rather calm lake became a chaotic mess of waves hitting each other.

Acht and his copy gazed at each other with cold looks. They both hated each other to the core even though they should've been the same person. How ironic!

"This is your last chance, Acht. Leave this world immediately, you are not cut out to live here." The copy said as he unsheathed his sword. He had the same clothes and equipment that Acht had so it was natural that he would have the same short sword that Acht possessed.

Acht didn't react to his words at first but then shook his head slowly.

"Come and take it from my dead body." 


Suddenly, both of them moved at the same time, their bodies vanished from their place and appeared a few centimeters away from each other. 
