Chapter 51- Bounty Hunter Event (Part 1)

After relieving some of his anger, he wiped the blood from his fists and walked back to the cave where Tania was. He was still annoyed and clueless but he didn't have the luxury of wasting time doing nothing.

'Let's pass the hunter exam first.' He thought to himself. 

Since he didn't have any way to deal with the crazy goddess, he just decided to stick to his initial plan and then deal with the ramifications that Livia adds to his plans. So, it was a very simple idea, either he gets out of all of these hurdles alive and even stronger than before or he will lose and ultimately die.

When he reached the cave, he found Tania waiting for him inside. She seemed to be fidgeting slightly and darting her eyes around. This was the most child-like expression she has ever made.

Acht saw that and asked her with a calm tone.

"Something wrong?"