Chapter 53- Bounty Hunter Event (Part 3)

"What did you say?" Acht almost didn't believe his ears so he asked again just to make sure.

"I-I'm the son of the king of Surgia." The boy said with a new fear in his heart. He thought that maybe Acht had some kind of hatred toward his father. If that was the case, then he might as well start digging his grave.

Acht stood silent for a couple of moments before asking again.

"What's your name?"

"...Leon Von Surgia…" he said with clear wariness in his eyes.

Acht squinted his eyes to the size of needles while trying to discern whether he was lying or not.

Then, he smirked slightly with amusement. He was sure of one thing now since he took a good look at his face.

'Who thought I would meet one of the main characters of the book here out of all places.' He shook his head while scoffing at himself.

"So, I'm going to assume that this dungeon location was leaked to you because of your status." 
