Chapter 56- Bounty Hunter Event (Part 6)

Acht landed swiftly on the ground, then he waited for the monster to see if it died or not. That attack was extremely powerful but it needed some conditions to be used again so Acht couldn't use it freely.

'I can still feel its aura…is it still alive?' He thought to himself as he signaled for Tania to move to the other side to encircle it.


Out of nowhere, the Naga suddenly moved out of the dust at an alarming speed trying to catch Tania who was standing behind her off-guard. The other didn't freak out and immediately evaded the Naga.

But, the monster was very tenacious, it kept following Tania while she kept throwing crystals at her regularly.

Acht didn't waste any time and closed the distance between him and the Naga and jumped on top of it. 

The creature was moving its body left and right to move so he immediately lost balance. So, he used the sword and plunged it in between its scales to support his body.