Chapter 64- Overprotective King

'His highness?' Acht frowned as he heard how the man addressed Tania.

Acht was being hit with new information one after the other as if it was nothing. Tania? Royalty? What are the chances?

Such questions confused Acht even more than he already was. However, he didn't lose his composure and kept his face fairly calm.

"Papa?" Tania muttered. Her eyes seemed to soften slightly when she heard her father mentioned. It was apparent she really loved him. 

Even though she showed such soft emotions, she still shook her head and said.

"No… staying here." 

Her hands automatically moved and grabbed Acht's left arm before pulling him closer to her. Unfortunately, there was no 'boing' from her action.

'I feel like this is going to be the biggest headache so far…' the boy thought as he didn't know whether to laugh or cry at his luck.

"Fear not, my lady. His highness also wants to meet Mr. Acht." The servant spoke as he eyed Acht with an extremely chilling gaze.