Chapter 129- Two-Edged Sword

The three looked at each other with an intense glare. The Nightingale member seemed to be not that wary of them even though they had the advantage of numbers.

Then, in the split of a second, they moved at a lightning speed and tried to pass the two women sneakily to snatch Acht.

Scarlett was ready for it even though she was barely able to see them move. So, she slashed down with her sword with perfect timing to hit them right in the face. But what she heard instead was the screeching sound of two swords clashing ferociously.

They had pulled out a katana sword from their spatial ring and immediately parried the attack to the side with very swift movements.

Then, the mysterious person slashed back while still in the air. The sword moved like a string of light under the glaring gaze of the sun.

'Fuck.' Scarlett cursed as she had no other choice but to use her element. Her speed can't simply follow this person.
