Chapter 146- Midnight Song (Part 2)

In a matter of seconds, the whole room was turned into a mess. You couldn't even find one square meter that was unscathed or even mildly damaged. The destructive power of the Midnight song was just unbelievable.

However, no matter how many times Acht tried to land a hit on Lein, he couldn't. She kept dodging left and right like an agile snake that could sense every possible threat around it.

Her speed coupled with her sharp senses made her the worst possible target to try and hit from afar.

Added to that, his soul force was also plummeting at a rapid pace because of his consumption. He was not only floating in the air which was taxing on his soul energy but he was also sending invisible sword slashes continuously for quite a while.

That's why he had no other choice but to float back down to the ground. The moment he landed, a fist was closing up on his stomach that was moving at an impossibly fast speed.

He could barely even move the blade to interrupt the fist.