Chapter 149- S-Rank Bow

When he left the strange room, Acht took a look around to see if people were aware of what happened inside. The destruction from the previous fight should've probably reached a good chunk of the city purely from the loud sounds. 

However, this didn't seem to be the case as the casino was still filled with people that were playing and gambling. They didn't seem to have heard any kind of disturbance.

'It seems that this storage room is a noise canceling one.' He thought as he crossed the casino and left the place.

He had no other place to go other than going back to the 'Melody Of Dreams' Bar. So, with an exhausted body, he dragged himself there.

It took him around 15 minutes of walking to reach it.

Inside, he found the place empty except for two people, the bartender and Jack who was reading a book while sipping on a coffee.

"Hm?" He turned around when he heard the bell attached to the door ring.

"Oh, Acht. You finally cam-"