chapter 152- The Great Wall (Part 2)

"We are going to swim?" She said nonchalantly.

Acht couldn't know how to react to this crucial information that he only heard about at this moment. So, with a complicated gaze, he asked.

"How far is the great wall from the shores?"

Lein thought for a few moments before she spoke.

"I don't know. 4000 miles or something."

'4000 miles? Is she a human submarine?' He thought to himself as he sighed inwardly.

The reason he didn't complain is that he knew that both of them were capable of swimming for 4000 miles but it was slightly tiring that's why he would've gone with the other choice of actually using a boat or a ship to go there.

As he was thinking so, Lein threw him a mask. He had never seen one of these before so he inspected it thoroughly.

The mask had a full front made out of glass with a metal part that seemed to have all the components for them to breathe underwater.