Chapter 166- Calm Before The Storm (Part 2)

Acht couldn't respond to his words as he found himself speechless. Torn somehow was able to see through him and pinpoint exactly one of the things he wanted no one to know.

He had this suspicion that maybe Leislet or Scarlett were the ones who spread his information. They were the only ones that were there at the time so the chances are not nonexistent. This made him fall into a small dilemma over the matter that he kept hidden in the back of his mind.

However, this didn't make his expression change at all as he kept a calm demeanor and sipped on his drink casually.

"Am I right?" Torn asked.

He then pulled out a cigar and lit it up before taking a deep breath from it then exuding out a cloud of smoke.

"You know how this world works, Acht. You can never trust everyone. Backstabbing and betraying from people you believe are trustworthy is more frequent than you could believe."

Acht sighed and looked at the man.

"What are you trying to imply? I know what I have to do."