Chapter 203- War Climax (Part 1)

"Acht!!" Leislet shouted as she rushed toward the young boy. He was surrounded by enemies that were already about to plunge their swords into him and kill him on the spot.

However, the young man didn't move and merely closed his eyes, keeping a calm state of mind as he took deep, rhythmic breaths suggesting what kind of state he was in at the moment.

'What is he doing?' She thought to herself as her face paled considerably and her mind raced as she tried to figure out what he wanted to do. Acht wasn't reckless enough to put himself in such a dangerous situation without a good reason.

So, as if to confirm her suspicions, something weird happened that made her jaw almost drop down to the ground.

A pillar of blue light suddenly emerged from within the sea of enemies that flooded that area. The pillar of light was a few meters wide and reached a staggering 800 meters in the air.

Leislet's head arched up to its full flexibility for her to be able to see the end of the pillar.