Chapter 206- Marine Village (Part 1)

Inside the village, Acht was quite taken aback by how beautiful and tidy it was. The small, wooden houses and the beautiful greenery that filled every nook and cranny of this place created such a relaxing atmosphere that made Acht feel at peace.

His ears also caught the sound of birds chirping happily as they flew across the wide blue sky passing under the warm sun that sent its strands of golden rays of light.

It was indeed a small paradise on earth for those who sought a calm life.

His eyes then fell on the people that were doing their work around him. They all had such blissful expressions as they conversed with each other.

They all seemed to live in such a harmony that is hard to find anywhere else in the world. Each one of them knew each other and so this small community was very happy.

'This is indeed a very good place. I might actually enjoy my stay here more than I thought.'