Chapter 217- Jealous?

Acht then cooked a simple breakfast for three people. He didn't make it an extravagant breakfast because he didn't want to tire himself out before the start of the day.

Today, he was supposed to start planning for his own library. He had always desired to do such a thing and now that he was finally about to do it, he felt thrilled about it.

It was something many would consider simple and even boring for a person like Acht to desire this much. However, as abnormal as his life could be, he was a very simple person when it comes to what he liked and hated.

"Did you two do anything?" He asked as he came back to the living room with three plates.

"No…" Leislet replied as she averted her eyes for a split second.

Acht saw that abnormality and immediately knew she was lying so he just said.

"You suck at lying. Also, my warning is for real. If any one of you does something that annoys me or anyone who lives in the village then I will kick you out."