Chapter 225- A Letter From The Academy (Part 2)

"Let me explain. It's something both of us worked on for the past few years. We didn't want to tell you to keep it a surprise." Leislet said with a soft smile.

Acht was still confused but he was catching on. Still, he wanted to hear the full story from Leislet before any deductions.

So, the group sat down and Acht said,

"Go ahead. What exactly did both of you do?" He asked.

Leislet looked at Scarlett before she nodded her head quietly and began.

"A few years ago, not long after you came here. I talked with Scarlett about your current situation. As you know, you are still a wanted criminal even though you were the person that contributed the most to winning this war. So, we both decided to work on clearing your name."

She took a deep breath and looked at her hands.

"I honestly wasn't that confident that this would work. It was a very hard task to pull off but we didn't lose hope. If you can remember, I went to Lagradon a few times during the past few years."