Chapter 234- Departure (Part 1)

Chapter 234- Departure (Part 1)

Two months later.

"Ugh… My head hurts. Dammit." Acht muttered as he opened his heavy eyes and looked hazily at his surroundings. His brain was still in shambles so he couldn't remember what happened the day before. Even if he tries to remember, a head-splitting headache stops him in his tracks.

He shook his head a few times to clear his vision a little bit and to also be able to generate some basic thoughts. That seemed to work as his eyes cleared up the next moment and he could finally see where he was.

However, the next second, he regretted seeing that decision with every cell of his being.

"W-What?!" He said as he immediately woke up.

The situation was as follows, Acht was completely naked, and not even his boxers were on. He was sleeping on top of his house with three women sleeping beside him.

Leislet, Scarlett, and even Mia were also completely naked from head to toe with their bodies fully visible in their full glory.