Chapter 239- Soul Academy City (Part 1)

Chapter 239- Soul Academy City (Part 1)

"Hey, bitch! Wait!" A boy shouted as he ran after a girl. His bloodshot eyes and his huge frown made him look like an angry bull ready to attack anything in front of it.

"No! We are over! Don't follow me!" The girl shouted back as she kept walking away from him as if he was a plague. like

It seemed to be a breakup argument between a couple. Many passersby saw this and stood to watch with an excited look. Some of them even pulled out their phones to film the moment with evil giggles.

Seeing such a thing was not a usual daily thing, especially when their location is literally the Soul Academy City where all the young men and women from around the world come to study here and become renowned figures.

"How many times should I tell you that I barely even spoke to that girl?! She was the one being all friendly with me!" The boy said.