Chapter 259- Making Things Clear

Chapter 259- Making Things Clear

Acht lifted up his head and looked at Leislet silently for a long time. His eyes had a complicated gaze in them that made Lieslet even more nervous and confused. Did he regret doing such a thing? Will he hate me for doing it? Will he leave me?

Such thoughts passed through the woman's head one after the other successively and made her shudder slightly from the mere thought of her loved one hating her. She could already imagine herself ending her own life if Acht vanishes from her life. What meaning did her life have if the only thing she cared about disappears? Nothing… Absolutely nothing.

Then, after a long silence that almost made Leislet feel suffocated, Acht stood up and walked toward her with steady steps. His bare chest and abdomen were still naked in front of her.

After reaching Leislet, he said.

"Do you regret doing it with me?"