Chapter 263- Study Night (Part 2)

Chapter 262- Study Night (Part 2)

One hour passed after that as the group studied silently in a mood of total focus. As much as they liked joking around and even borderline flirting with Acht, they also knew when the time for those things is and when the time for hard work is.

They aren't stupid or anything like that and they understand quite well the consequences of slaking off just because they love him.

"Did you get it?" Acht asked.

"I guess… This is really hard. It's pointless too! Is learning how an object falls due to gravity will help me kill an A-grade beast or level up?"

"It helps open your clogged brain!" Acht bonked her on the head with his fist lightly.

"Ouch! I might actually die from the number of fists I got to my skull!!" She protested loudly as she grabbed Acht's arm and lay on his lap.

"That's because you don't listen to my words. I have been explaining this same thing for the past hour."