The encounter with a child

Being left alone the two of them began to think on what they heard. H-0, a creature that appeared to have led the attack to humanity, was now near them and most likely going to bring an army to attack them. The both of them swallowed their saliva and immediately left the room to prepare for the incoming attack.

The both of them immediately ordered their squads to meet up in a room as an "Important meeting." When they confirmed everyone was there the two of them began to fill them in on what they both heard and saw. Everyone of the squads couldn't believe what they heard, but when they watched the video Lex and Anna were shown they all reacted one of two ways. They were either scared to death and the other was excited and happy.

"Do we know when the creature will launch its attack at us?" a member of Anna squad said. Both Anna and Lex looked at the man before shaking their heads.

"We at this time do not know when the Holo will attack us or how it will, but we do know that it will most likely attack us" Lex said as he stared at the soldiers in the room. "But even if we do not know when it will attack us, we still must prioritize one thing. And that is the life of the citizens" Lex said as he opened the curtains and showed the many citizens that were trying to live a normal life.

"Remember, what our purpose is in joining 'The Hunt.' Our purpose is to protect the citizens from any Holo attacks and to be the ones who push these damn creatures back to where they came from! Even if we die in battle, keep in your mind that we died protecting the people we swore to protect" Lex said, inspiring all the men and women who were feeling dread and despair at the moment.

"Now get out there and begin making preparations for the attack" Anna said and soon everyone left the room and began to make preparations for the incoming attack. Lex walked next to Anna "what do you think H-0 is doing right now?"

Hearing this Anna sighed out before sitting on a nearby couch and looked at the ceiling. "I don't know, the only one who knows is god and I hope he is on our side" She before closing her eyes and remembering what she saw in the video.

"H-0 a creature known by our scientists as the leader of the Holos. It has a right to be called this for it is much smarter and stronger than any of them" Anna looked at the ceiling once more before getting up and leaving the room with Lex following behind her.



In the middle of the forest Luke could be seen surrounded by corpses of dead creatures. These creatures were called Night Shades. Their body was covered in a pitch black hide that was hard to cut through using normal means of attacks and their eyes were a bright crimson. They are

well known ambush creatures that many other creatures would fear and stay away from. They are usually in packs of twelve or less.

Though they are ambush predators they are scavengers from Luke's observation and tend to stay away from large packs. They live in a canyon Luke called "The Dark Canyon '' the canyon was an area where the sunlight could never reach and was in a continuous darkness. Many ambush predators lived in this area and an area that Luke noted to always stay away from unless he wanted to get jumped by dozens of creatures.

The Night shades, as their name implied, were creatures that looked like ghosts and were almost invisible in the dark. They were the size of a bush and as long as a motorcycle. They had long white hair coming from their body, combine this with their dark hide and crimson eyes one would believe that they were being followed by a vengeful ghost. They had four fore legs and two hind legs as well as one long black tail with a part of the tip being a very sharp bone protruding out.

Their paws were the same one would see from a Leopard or a Bobcat. Every time they took a step you could never hear it even if you were close you couldn't hear their steps. Their paws had sharp claws allowing them to slash a creature's flesh with ease. Their paws weren't the only thing extraordinary about these creatures for their face also had something unique about them. They have two slits on their head that hold their crimson eyes and when they run their eyes leave a trail of red when they move their head. Their mouths had a front row holding serrated teeth and a back row holding knife-like teeth. They are able to extend their front rows out as if they were like a goblin shark extending their mouth.

They did this to capture prey that were inches away from them with their serrated teeth before bringing it back to their back row of teeth to cut through their flesh. Even with these types of body parts they don't compare to the creature's tail. The tail of the creature was as long as a whip and the tip of it had a spear bone protruding out, on the tip of the tail is a virus that makes a creature have a fever and enter a state of constant pain as the virus damages their nerves at a fast rate.

With all these facts one might think that Luke would be smart enough to avoid these creatures and yet he was currently fighting three of these creatures while also being surrounded by their corpses. The reason for this action was because of a crying little boy behind him. He was probably about five years old, maybe six. He had a cut eye and a missing arm that was bandaged up by someone before they were torn to bits by the Night shades.

"Why am I doing this again?" Luke said to himself as he stared at the little boy "I am no longer human so shouldn't I just ignore this kid?" Before he could think about anything else a NightShade charged at him and slashed at him with its paw. Luke bit at the paw and tore it off before stabbing the head of the Night Shade with his scythe-like weapon tail. The Night Shade body became limp and fell onto the ground. Blood began to flow out of the hole Luke made in the creature's head.

"Leave or else you'll regret it" Luke said in the creature tongue to the two remaining NightShade. They both looked at each other before charging towards him. The one on the left launched its mouth and tail towards him and the one on the right swiped all four claws at him.

Luke opened his mouth before shooting his second tongue at the creature to the right and sending both tails to the creature to the left. The tongue stabbed the Night shades eye and an egg was injected into its body and the other night shade that faced his tail was stabbed in the chest and chin. It began to gurgle blood out before going limp.

Luke threw its body off his tail and his tongue returned back to his mouth. Luke looked at the right shade with its eyes gone. Seeing Luke's six eyes looking at it the Night Shade ran away. Luke looked towards the creature before muttering "it's going to die either way" and turned his head towards the boy that was behind him.

"Now what to do with you? Luke said as he brought his head closer to the child. The child fell onto his butt and began to whimper as Luke came slowly closer to the child. When Luke was close to the child's face he opened his mouth up and his main tongue, not the injecting tongue, began to run across his face. Soon Luke began to try to mutter a word towards the boy "do you understand me?"


"I was going to die" the boy thought as he stared at the white creature just inches away from his face. "Mom's death was about to be wasted" the boy thought as he stared at the torn woman that was once his mother. She was torn to bits by the 'Ghosts' that this creature was attacking.

The boy was brought back to reality as he felt the creature's tongue move across the left of his cheek. He could feel the warm breath coming from the creature and he could fully see the rows of teeth that were inside the creature's mouth. "I'm sorry mom I couldn't live" the boy thought to himself.

"d ou erst e?" The boy heard a voice near his ear. Even though he was scared, his natural urge for survival and curiosity made him turn his head towards the voice. There he could only see the creature's mouth.

"Do yu underst me?" The boy heard the voice once again and now realized where it was coming from. He turned his head towards the creature's head and could see the creature trying to speak to him.