Spicy Stew

Days passed and Viola and I continued our training. I even managed to get a couple of hits in. Obviously, I still got my ass handed to me but still, I did pretty good for a novice at combat. She took pride in my progress like any sensei would for their pupil. I took pride in it too, to think I was living a life of bureaucracy just 3 weeks ago. Now I'm heading to an alien world to help a friend get their dad. Speaking of which we're actually just about to arrive there. I was sitting in the living quarters of the ship. I actually managed to connect the central computer to earth's internet network. Which gave me access to websites so I can watch my anime (LEGALLY of course). I showed Viola an episode of one she really liked. When the main character's hair turned gold and spikey Viola looked kind of shocked. She said that he kind of looked like the War Chief of her planet. Thats another person from outer space that looks like something from earth. Most likely just a coincidence though. The Universe is infinite in size.

As we entered a docking station on the planet's surface all I could see through the window was buildings made of dirt. Viola wasn't kidding when she said they did not focus on infrastructure at all. As we exited the ship, Viola and I was greeted by two Guards. They were fairly muscular and toned. They were wearing body armor and an all-black skintight suit under it. They shared Viola's golden hair color and eye color. Truly a planet of blondies.

Viola was asked to show her Identification. I looked over at her hoping she didn't forget it or if she even had any. Instead of going through her pockets she just smirked and her eyes began to glow. The guards just shrugged and let her through. Viola and I began walking to enter the town I had seen from outside earlier.

"So Viola, what was that?"

"I just flexed the power of the Vector and they let us through."

"The power of the Vector?"

"Yes, its the power of the Victorians."

"It's the reason we have superspeed."

I never questioned her about it before. I didn't even know there was a name for it. As we were discussing it, we entered a marketplace. Stalls everywhere selling battle equipment for the Victorian warriors. There were also restaurants and food stalls. They seemed to sell a lot of bug and insect meat. Makes sense for the dessert like climate the planet has. While we were on the ship, we just drank nutrients packets. They supplied us with everything we needed for the day. Actual food would be a good change of pace. Viola grabbed me and bolted to one of the weapon shops. Viola began talking to the bearded Victorian weapon shop keep.

"We need to get her something perfect for her defensive style of combat."

"So something that punishes the enemy for attacking her would be ideal."

"I've got just the thing!"

"A pair of electro gauntlets."

Viola perked up for a split second but immediately realized the flaw in that weapon. The flaw being me. My fear of electricity wasn't ideal for a weapon like that. Although it'd be perfect for style of fighting my own fear and anxiety would get the best of me. I hesitated but...

"I think I can handle it."

Viola looked at me worried.

"As long as I don't actually see it for too long I should be fine."

"I should also get over my fear of it somehow."

Viola just nodded and took out her currency card. She paid the shop keep and we left the store.

Viola grabbed my hand once more and began dragging me to another store. It was a clothing store. Victorian casual wear was very revealing. The only reason the combat wear wasn't super revealing was the battle armor. I looked at a one-piece dress with oval shaped holed going from an underboob to the waist. I imagined it on me and shuddered at the thought. I imagined it on Viola and immediately began blushing. If this were an anime, I'd definitely have a nosebleed. As I turned around to tell Viola I didn't like any of the outfits she had a giant pile of clothes in her hands. I just grabbed the dress I was eyeing. Maybe I can get her to wear it.

We did the same routine again with her grabbing my hand and taking me to a random store. This time it was a food spot.

"This was my favorite place to eat growing up."

"The food must be great then."

"Yup, there's a stew that I absolutely adore."

Viola seemed a lot less strict since we recharged the ship. Even more so now that we're on her home planet. I guess she's downing any walls we had between us.

"We'll both have the piconditus stew."

I had no choice but to take her recommendation. I wouldn't really know what's good on an alien planet. We sat at one of the many tables in the restaurant. There were a lot of people seated eating and having a good time. They were all Victorians by the looks of all the golden hair. Viola immediately started chowing down her food. I on the other hand looked at for a bit. It was super green. It had chunks of alien foreign vegetables in it. It didn't look too appealing. It'd be rude to not eat her favorite dish though. So I built up all the courage within me and took a bite. I regret ever building up that courage. My tongue was engulfed in unimaginable pain. It was super spicy. Viola saw my discomfort and rushed to get me a drink. I couldn't wait for that so I immediately spat it out.

I may have spat it out with a bit too much force in my panic because I spat it on a guy eating at the table next to ours. He didn't take too kindly to that and tried to attack me. I knocked him out using my newly acquired electro gauntlets. I don't think he expected me to even be able to react to his speed. This angered the girl that was dining with him. She also attacked me and was also knocked out. That however was probably my biggest mistake of the day. Even bigger than eating that god forsaken stew. The girl I knocked out was apparently very important because a gang of guards immediately entered the restaurant and jumped me. I defended myself quite well or so I thought. As I threw one guard to the floor another guard was about to punch me in the back of the head. Before his fist could connect Viola blitzed over to us to stop it.

"Hey relax!"


"She knocked out the War Chief's Daughter!"

"I'm the daughter of Ex General Vizen, surely there's some lee-way."

"Actually no."

"If anything... y-you're both under arrest."


Viola immediately kicked the guard away and grabbed me and fled. The guards didn't bother making chase. They must know how strong Viola actually is. That or they were more concerned with the safety of basically the princess of this planet. Either way we were in a pretty rough situation. After a while we got to a pretty desolate area. I immediately began apologizing.

"It's okay Veronica."

"From the looks of things, they were going to attack us regardless due to my father."

"Yea, what's up with that."

"My father never had the best relationship with the Victorian Empire."

"I don't know why it's such a big deal now though."

"He's been off world for years."

There was only one way for us to get any answers for this. A prison break.

End of chapter 4