
It's been weeks since Viola's Dad's passing. We've finally arrived at the luscious forest filled planet.

Viola's still asleep or rather she's just not coming out of her room.

In order to in act my therapy, plan I need her out of there. So, the first thing on the agenda was to get her out of there. I have to be tactful and kind. I can't be too insensitive.

The feeling of grief is a foreign feeling to me and so I should be careful in my wording.

As I approached the door to her room, before I could even knock, she opened the door. Her eyes had bags, they looked puffy, clear indicators of her crying. To see her in such a state made my heart ache. She's usually so confident.

"So are you just gonna stare at my face?"

"We landed right?"

Viola's tone was pretty agitated.

"Y-yeah sorry, we're gonna have to go out and scout out the land a bit and set up camp."

Viola nodded slowly and proceeded to head to the exit hatch of the ship. I followed her out.

As we exited the ship, we were greeted by lush pink trees as far as the eye can see. But weirdly enough the grass wasn't green, it was this sandy dirt like color.

It was quite peculiar. Poetic in a sense to be frank. Beautiful vibrant trees above with a bland mute color below.

Viola wasn't as amused I was with the planet's landscape. She didn't care in the slightest. She's probably seen sights like this all the time so I shouldn't really blame her. I should probably give her a bit more alone time since this is our first time talking in a while. I should ease her back into normacy. Not thrust it upon her.

"Lets split up, we can cover more ground like that."


Viola startled the fuck out of me with her sudden outburst.


"Sorry, I think it's safer if we stick together since its pretty unknown territory."

Viola's reasoning was somewhat sound but still.

"I guess but the ship's systems said the planet was pretty safe, it's more of just landmarking."

Viola's facial expression looked sad. Perhaps I was giving her too much space. Perhaps what she needs is me with her here right now.

"Fine, I guess we can stick together."

Viola gave me a faint smile then said something I wasn't expecting.

"Hop on my back."

I did as she asked and as soon as I got comfortable, the wind blowing on the tree's began to move slowly, the color of everything began fading and Viola and I began moving forward. We began exploring the grey land and forest. We stumbled upon furry animals that resembled capibaras from earth, their fur was a mute grey but that could be a side effect of whatever Viola's doing right now. We stumbled upon a river with exotic fish. Suddenly everything went back to normal, time began speeding back up and color returned to the world.

I couldn't help but ask.

"What the heck was that?"

"What? I've carried you with Vector before."

"Yeah I kept my eyes closed the entire time thought.

I thought I'd get sand in my eyes from your dusty ass homeworld."

"I see, welp yea that's how I see the world when I'm using the power of vector. When we go that fast the speed in which light reaches our eyes isn't fast enough to apply color to the world, so everything is mute."

"I didn't expect you to be an expert on."

Viola again gave me a light smile and said,

"Nah it's just something the scientists back home researched. Welp anywho Veronica, we should set up camp here."

I held in a laugh. *Pfft*

"Welp anywho?"

"What I've heard you use that before I think or maybe it was from one of the shows you showed me, whatever."

"Oh, nothing's wrong with it, it's just a bit dorky coming from you."

"Dorky? I'm the very pinnacle coolness."

"I'm gonna go bring stuff to set up out here from the ship. I'll be right back"

Viola vectored away. It's nice to see her doing better. Maybe sometime together is what she needed. She's probably tired of being left alone with the sad thoughts, the silence. I hope she gets back here quickly.

After a while Viola came back with a bunch of equipment. She quickly set up a tent using her powers. She then grabbed two logs and a bunch of rocks. She set the rocks up in a circle and basically made a place for a campfire. The sun was still out so it was a bit early for a campfire. I never checked how long the days were here actually. I hope they aren't too long. The planet is in the twilight zone, so I'd expect them to be similar to earth.

I was a bit hungry and I'm tired of eating those bland nutrition packs from the ship.

"I'm gonna hunt down some meat."

Viola didn't seem to want to stop me. I got up from the log and began heading to the forest. Before I could leave Viola tossed me a blaster.

"You're probably gonna need this. Were you gonna use your bare hands."

My face turned red from embarrassment; I didn't actually think about how I was gonna kill the animals.


Viola started laughing


"Welp Goodluck."

She watched me leave with a grin on her face. That was a terrific state to leave her by herself with. I'm gonna get us some meat then talk to her about her issues once the sun sets at the campfire. I headed into the forrest.