
I woke up in a bed in a tent. I have no memory of heading in the tent though. The last thing I remember from last night was Viola and I… I immediately started blushing. Losing my virginity was the last thing I was expecting from my journey in space.

I slowly turned my head as I was thinking about last night and Viola was sleeping right next to me. She must have brought the both of us in the tent last night. She was sound asleep. She's so angelic when she's sleeping. Her face is battle hardened with scratches and scars but there's a beauty to it. A sense of elegance.

As I was admiring her beauty I could hear something. A spaceship landing near our campsite over the river. I immediately try to wake Viola up.



Viola immediately got up and ran out the tent. I got up and followed.

As the ship landed, we waited for the people inside to exit. Could it be the people from planet Vektor? It's possible we were pursued but very unlikely.

The ship's bottom hatch opened with stairs leading out of it. Two people began leaving the ship. A girl with long white hair,blue skin, glasses and a lab coat approached us. Alongside her was someone who appeared to be the same species as her. His outfit was just a black tracksuit. Something was off about him though. He had metal plating on his face. Clear signs of cybernetic enhancements .

As we observed them exiting the ship they finally spoke.

"Hello knowledge, it is I Science and my brother War."

Was she referring to me? Knowledge? Viola didn't react to her words at all. She must not be able to understand her.

"My apologies Victorian, let me enable my patent pending translator."

She had a translator? Patent pending? That implies she made it.

"Wow you made the universal translator?"

"One of my many contributions to the universe but that's besides the point Knowledge. My brother and I are here to bring you over to Yanglo."

"Why do you keep calling me Knowledge."

"Oh you haven't been contacted by Yinghi yet. That should make this a whole lot easier then."

As she said that her brother came charging at me. His back began morphing, rocket boosters coming out of his back increasing his speed.

His speed is almost as good as a Viktorian if not just as good but I easily dodged it.


"Come with us quietly or we will have to use even more lethal force."

Her brother was a cyborg alright. A dead pan robotic voice like that couldn't be anything else.

"Hey you almost hit my woman!"

Her woman? I think my heart just skipped a beat.

Viola vectored towards the cyborg fiend that flew past me and kicked him so hard he flew through the forest.


The scientist girl put her fingers on her glasses and a beam of light came out of it. I could see it. I can definitely dodge it right. I was dead wrong. I may have been able to react to it but my body simply couldn't move fast enough to dodge it. There is no time for me to anticipate. It was an instantaneous blast of energy. That should be impossible.

"You must be wondering why it was undodgeable, it's quite simple really, I ignited the atoms in the air in a straight line towards you. Well it doesn't really matter, you're gonna lose consciousness soon."


Viola flew past me and towards the girl in the lab coat. She went in for a punch but her fist was stopped by a barrier.

"Such vulgar language. We don't have any business with you Viktorian. We simply need to take your girlfriend here to our master."

"Fuck you and your master you hurt her."

"Sometimes a bit of field testing doesn't hurt, like this barrier."

Her putting a hole in my fucking chest was nothing but a field test. Someone with such a disregard for my well being shouldn't be trusted. I need to collect myself. I began breathing slowly so I didn't over exert myself. Panicking is the last thing I should be doing right now.

Viola kept laying into her barrier but nothing was working. It was not budging. To make matters worse, Science's brother was finally flying back from Viola sending him flying. Accompanying him were multiple ballistic missiles. Viola stopped hitting the barrier and switched her focus. As she was heading towards War, Science put her hands on her glasses again to fire at Viola. I immediately chucked a rock at her hand to put her aim off.

This caused her to miss fire and it detonated one of the missiles. The blast left war unphased. The missles began picking up speed and began chasing Viola. Viola began out manuerving them in the air. This kept her distracted which made war switch targets to me. At the moment I'm barely staying conscious on the floor.

As the cyborg approached me, Viola was heading towards us with the missiles following her. Viola sped up even faster, grabbed me and vectored away leaving the missiles to hit War. Again they didn't do much damage to him, or at the very least he wasn't showing any signs of it hurting.

"Well I think it's about time we end this.

WAR! Protocol Eisen Slayer, target lock on, Viktorian DNA."

Viola Immediately began vectoring away. A beam following her closely behind


"I just targeted her with my prototype weapon. A weapon that targets and indefinitely destroys anything I target completely. Well now that she's gone, let's go."

War picked me up, My body is too weak to even resist capture. As they began taking me away Viola came back.

"Looks like your laser wasn't fast enoug-"

Before she could even finish her sentence Viola was hit in the arm. Her arm began turning into dust.


Viola was screaming in agony and I was powerless to do anything. I began crying. As everything looked hopeless a curtain made of light appeared.

"What the heck?"

A girl with pink skin and transparent hair emerged.

"It sure was a miracle I got here on time."

She looked at Viola's arm and cringed at it.

"Yikes. It would be a miracle if I could fix that up."

Viola's arm came back after she said that. Everyone was completely in shock.

"Hey I'm Machina the Miracle. Don't worry Knowledge, I'm here to help."


Science seemed to know who this is.

"You've never left Yinghi's side ever."

"This is a special occasion love, I can't let my fellow Yinghi aspect get captured now can I. It's best you just hand her over to me and leave, you know you can't win. You're science after all you should know these things."

That last remark seemed to make Science angrier.

"War, give her over."

War layed me next to Viola and headed back to the ship's hatch stairs.

"Machina, tell Yinghi, Yanglo sends his regards."

"Will Do!"

The ship hatch closed and began flying out of the planet's atmosphere and out of sight.

"Okay loves, we're going to head over to Yinghi now."


Before we could even ask anything a curtain made of light surrounded all three of us and when we stepped out of it we were in a white void.

"Hello Knowledge, Veronica and her lover Viola. I am Yinghi but you most likely know me as God."