Untimely Spill

"Shall we toast to that?" He raised his empty wine glass to the air. 

"Not to an empty glass."

"Princess, I didn't know you were superstitious." 

"Only in some regards… when I really care about something and don't want it to go wrong." 

At the center of the table was a bottle of untouched juice. From the color, it appeared to be some sort of dark berry juice. 

Daphne tried reaching for it, but it was just out of reach, and her fingertips constantly hovered a few centimeters away from it. 

At first, Korbin wanted to go help her, but watching the way her face slightly scrunched from concentration, he found himself just staring at her instead in amusement. No matter what, she would still have that certain stubbornness to her. 

"Care for some help, Princess?" He joked, already knowing that she would not take the offer. 

She didn't reply, standing on tip-toes instead to help her grab the container.