Your family's yurt stands on the far side of the circle of worn dirt that marks the center of the settlement. Outside it stands a hard-faced warrior, Obrad, who has been in your family's service for many years. As you ride into the circle, he steps forward and takes the reins, allowing you to dismount.

"Drazha and Seramet are already within," says Obrad, turning to tie your horse to a nearby post. "They've been waiting for you and Kral to return."

"What do they want?" you ask, looking toward the opening of your yurt. Your aunt, Drazha, and Seramet, your tribe's shaman, are among the most respected people left in Tar-Domos now that most of your father's advisors have ridden off to battle.

"There's been no news from the battle yet," replies Obrad, "and people are beginning to get worried. It is time to discuss why we haven't heard anything and what we should do next. In your father's stead, the tribe looks to you for leadership."

You thank Obrad and gesture for Kral and Vanya to follow you before stepping into the yurt.
