"Through the magic of this wood, I can ensure that many of those with evil in their hearts do not come here, but I can do little more. I am the latest in a line of people who have sworn to defend this wood. The first of us took a single branch from the tree that, when fashioned into a staff, served as a conduit for the tree's power. My predecessor was killed for that staff, and though I have heard it is hidden somewhere in Blightmarsh, I have yet to find out where. The spread of the marsh is inevitable. It is a symptom of a world that grows darker and crueler by the year. But I believe that, with the staff, I would be able to hold it back.

"If you can return the staff to me," she continues, "I will bestow upon you some of this tree's ancient magic—a powerful boon that will aid you in your journey, wherever it is you travel to."

"If we see such an item in our travels," you tell her, "we will do our best to return it to you." Lillian inclines her head toward you in thanks.
