What happens next is difficult to say. Your eyes are closed, your consciousness sluggish. It is as Utrio said: so close to death as to be almost indistinguishable. Hours, or more likely, days pass—you cannot tell. There are brief snatches of conversation. You remember the voices of your tribe, and above them, the voice of Vanya. "Although I came from outside this tribe," he says, "Basileios treated me as one of his own kinsmen. I will do my best with the honor Basileios bestowed upon me, and will help the Tribe of the Red Bear to find a place to call our own."

You feel the cold of the earth, the sensation of soil being thrown on top of you, the pressure around you building and then…silence—but only for a moment. Soon, there is noise from above, and strong hands pulling you free.

Your consciousness comes back only slowly. You hear someone saying your name. It feels as if you're sitting up, a hard stone wall against your back.