"Let's lie in wait and ambush them as they pass," you tell Drazha. "The last thing they'll be expecting is for us to attack them."

The two of you take up positions nearby, lying on your stomachs and allowing the tall stems of the grass to mask you from sight. As the patrol of soldiers passes by, you leap to your feet, but the rustling of the grass causes the nearest of the soldiers to turn and yell in alarm. Your blade takes him quickly in the throat, exposing you to the lunge of his companion. You twist out of the way, but his spear lances into your side.

Your armor saves you from the worst of the damage, but is itself broken beyond repair. It will be of no more use to you.

You turn the soldier's next attack, and your sword finds his heart a moment later. Turning around, you see that Drazha has fared somewhat better than you have. Both her opponents already lie dead upon the ground.
