The two of you spend your day moving north across leagues of rough, unworked grassland marked with small clusters of trees. The road the Black Wolves took lies out of sight to the east, but it's not too distant. Still, you have chosen to stick to whatever paths you can find through the countryside rather than risk such an exposed route.

You camp under the broad boughs of a walnut tree on the first night, rising at dawn the next day. You have been walking for a few hours when a village comes into sight—a modest hamlet comprising a few low cottages around a muddy patch of ground with a well at its center. The only path leading in or out of the village is a worn track that travels in a northeasterly direction, presumably to connect with the larger road to the east.

A few folk are working the small plots of agricultural land at the rear of the cottages, and they glance up warily as you draw near. Entering the village, you're pleased to see that in a large barn near the well is a farrier's workshop, and stabled within are a pair of horses. You don't hesitate to step inside.
