The ground slowly rises over the course of the day as you ride north along the road the Tribe of the Black Wolf took when they left Anselm's Landing. Although not in very good repair, it is nevertheless a significant man-made construction. Rubble has been crushed and forced into the earth over the many years since it was first laid down, and its sides are shored up with stone at a number of places along the route, usually to stop the surrounding ground from collapsing down upon the road's surface.

As the afternoon comes around, you arrive in an area of rocky, pine-covered hills. For a little while now, you have had the distinct and unshakable feeling that you are being watched, though if it is a feeling shared by Drazha, she has stayed unusually silent on the matter.

A little way ahead lies a steep-sided pass, the rocky ground rising up sharply on each side. Drazha is just about to enter it.