"Do what you wish," you say. "It makes no difference to me."

A single, mournful horn blast disturbs the quiet of the chamber. Though it's muffled and distant, its import is clear. The Tribe of the Black Wolf has arrived. "Quickly," says Kral. "Open the gate. There's no time to lose."

You sit down once more in the circle on the cavern floor. It is illuminated, very faintly, by starlight that comes through the hole in the cavern's roof. Moments pass, but nothing seems to happen. "What's wrong?" asks Kral, the tension in his voice obvious.

"It's not working," you say. "Last time I just sat down here and the portal opened."

"Clear your mind," says Drazha, gently. "Relax, if you can. Then focus on what means the most to you in this world."