Karim guides you forward, pushing open a heavy door and motioning for you to follow.

You step through into the large chamber and recognize it to be Drop Command. It's from this room that the Colonel coordinates regimental surface engagements, and it was from here that your troop commander, Commander Celi, supervised today's mission. Your eyes are immediately drawn to the giant screens on the far wall displaying different sections of the Cerberan surface far below. Clusters of blue tactical symbols indicate friendly movements, and a few red symbols catch your eye: hostiles. Dozens of Corps personnel are active at consoles in front of the screens, but you immediately get the sense that there is no urgency in the room. Your troop's drop was the only active mission for the day, and with it over, Drop Command is stepping down to observational status.

Three other officers are already gathered around a debriefing table, and Karim quickly introduces you.

"All right, Nubes, here's the team," he says, pointing at each officer in turn. "First Lieutenant Magar, Lieutenant Sanvicente, and Lieutenant Taiwo."

"Sublieutenant Vasanta," you say. If you expected any sort of welcome, the cool expressions that greet you leave you disappointed.
