"All Foxtrot Units," you order, "this is Foxtrot Leader. The platoon will advance with speed to surprise any defenders and secure the building. Each squad designate one trooper to hold back as grenade support."

Shah and the squad leaders acknowledge your command. With a glance at Amori you step forward from the trees, watching as the dark shapes of your entire platoon emerge on both sides.

The ground is flat before you, dappled clouds casting erratic shadows in the moonlight. Hopefully those shadows will mask your movement somewhat, but you know that the key is to get across the open field and into the farmhouse as quickly as possible. There's no stealth here, just speed.

You struggle to keep up with your troopers, your legs burning with the exertion of sprinting in full combat gear, but you press on.

Suddenly, you see flashes from the farmhouse windows. Bullets thud into your chest armor and you stagger to your knees. Another bullet tears through your left hand, shattering the armor plate. You gasp in pain, trying to hold your rifle up with your right hand while protecting your left. You scan for a target, but your troopers are all ahead of you now.

Your attention is suddenly diverted from the battle for the farmhouse by a new sound. You look off, over the trees, and see something approaching from the air.

"All units this is Foxtrot Sierra," you hear Shah suddenly call out on the circuit. "Incoming airborne hostiles—take cover!"
