With whispered commands, you pass the order down the line for each trooper to find a target and prepare to fire. You crouch comfortably against a tree and raise your rifle. Since you're in the middle of the line, you target one of the central rebels. Word comes back that everyone is ready.

Shots ring out to your left as your troopers engage their targets. The noise alerts your target and she flattens to the ground just as you fire. You see her wince as the bullet grazes her back, but the round explodes into the hoverboard of the truck. You lower your rifle and shoot again, but already you can hear the crack of rebels returning fire. Your target rolls and then leaps to her feet, running for cover. You fire, but miss. The engine of the second truck roars to life.

"Stop them!" you shout, rising to your feet and running forward to get a clearer shot.

Your left leg suddenly collapses as fiery pain shoots up from your knee. You fall forward into the underbrush, listening as a hail of automatic fire smashes through the trees all around you. The withering barrage keeps you down and you hear the rebel truck tear off down the road.

Grunting in pain, you pull yourself into a sitting position. The enemy round shattered the armor plate over your knee, and you can feel your joint swelling against the remaining plates. You can stand, though, and you can keep going.

"You all right, sir?" Amori asks, steadying you.

"I'm fine," you hiss. "Let's clear the area."
