You assign the squad leader on the far left and the trooper on the far right to cover you. You and the other two troopers gather behind a section of outcrop where a gentle slope will give you the easiest approach before dropping down and charging.

A mixture of fear and excitement courses through you, and you race up the slope. Your two flanking troopers seem surprised and are several steps behind you, but you're already cresting the rise and jumping down to the flat ground. The rebel soldiers stare at you in shock for a moment, then burst into action. Flashes of rifle fire are followed by bullets zipping past you, until one finally smacks into your chest armor. Rebels start to fall as your covering troopers finally open fire, but the enemy is already taking cover while you're still in the open. Amori is wisely flat on his stomach, caught in the middle of the crossfire. You have to scramble for cover as the bullets continue to smash into you. Peeking up to take another shot, you suddenly notice three more rebels hustling forward with a heavy section weapon. That gun, you know, can cut right through your armor. They're only seconds from deploying it, and Amori is too far away for you to reach.

Frustrated, you order a withdrawal and run back behind the outcrop.
