You examine your display and notice that there is an alley to the left that cuts through to the next cross street. If you can get through there you can hit the rebels from behind.

"Follow me!" you order. "We're going to flank them!"

You burst from cover and run for the alley as bullets zip past you, Amori and a squad of troopers close in your wake. Into the shadows of the alley you dodge around garbage cans, then lose your balance as you slip on an oozing wet surface. You stagger forward, banging into a generator at knee-level. You wince and stumble, Amori tumbling into you and knocking you to your hands and knees. Grabbing your rifle, you ignore the curses of the troopers fighting their way through behind you and press forward.

As you reach the next street you spot a few rebels at the intersection and fire, but they're already in retreat as Taiwo's platoon pushes forward in a ragged line. Wiping the filth off your armor, you start recalling your platoon.
