"Hold this tight," you say to Shah, pushing his hand down on the bandage. "Hang in there, Sergeant!"

You ignore the blood on your hands as you heft your rifle and scramble forward to where Amori and the other troopers are spraying explosive rounds toward the nearest buildings. You glance back to where Shah had stood, realizing that the sniper shot had to come from up high. There's only one building tall enough, and you order your troopers to fire grenades into it. They shift their fire and within moments that single building collapses under the onslaught. You catch sight of a single figure falling as the second floor collapses, the clear form of a sniper rifle slipping from their grip. In the dust of the streets you see other soldiers picking themselves up and running. Whatever attack the rebels were attempting, you've thwarted it.

"Cover the open streets," you order, "keep pushing them back."

You crouch down next to Shah again, pushing the bandage against his neck wound again as his own hand has slipped away. He stares up at you, eyes wide. The blood is already slowing as it pours over your hands, and his short, sharp breaths start to fade. He meets your gaze, holding it. You sense a last glimmer of respect, then he looks at the sky. His body stills, and his expression relaxes. The last spark of life fades from his eyes, but you realize he's at peace.

What a waste of an excellent human being, you think to yourself. This has to end now.

You call for a cease fire, scanning for any signs of another sniper. Amid all the new wreckage, it's hard to make anything out, but your fire team's barrage has probably forced a rebel retreat. Standard combat procedure dictates that you have to investigate, though, to stop any rebels from regrouping.

"Advance with me," you order Amori and the four troopers with you. "Let's clear the block."
