Tethong motions you over.

"This situation is a powder keg," he mutters. "I need you to walk over to the Terrans and get them to pull back. This group of people doesn't want the vaccine, and they'll fight any attempts to approach."

"You want me to tell them?" you ask, looking down the boulevard toward the dozens of assault rifles pointed at you. He nods grimly.

There's no time to discuss, you realize, as another angry shout from the mob echoes down the street. Terran patience with insurgents is low, you know, and it won't be long before somebody makes the decision to advance. Looking back at the gathered locals, you can't see the armed soldiers hiding within their ranks, and the sniper positions are mostly invisible. And, of course, those Centauri war machines are looming just around the corner. If the Terrans advance as if against a mob of civilians, this is going to be a bloodbath.

Placing your hands on your head, you walk out into the open between the two forces. Unarmed and dressed in nothing but your uniform coveralls, you've never felt so exposed. Quiet descends along the street, and you feel hundreds of eyes watching each step you take. After what feels like an eternity, you finally approach the Terran line and see a short, wiry trooper emerge from cover. It's First Lieutenant Magar, and his dark eyes are alight with surprise.

"Sublieutenant Vasanta," he says, "what are you doing here?"

"It's a long story, sir," you reply, "and there isn't time to tell it now."

"What's the situation?" he asks, nodding toward the rebel mob.