It seemed like a promising start to the night. But now you're standing in an increasingly panicked crowd. The comet is making a mechanical grinding noise and throwing off more sparks. The flames are licking their way across the oiled canvas. The theater crew clearly need someone to take charge.

"It's the curse!" someone shrieks. The clamor of the crowd rises even higher. Near you, a gentleman yelps in protest as he's pushed off his feet, landing on the cushions of the row below. He sprawls and flails, threatening to trip the people pushing past him.

Down the row, the red-haired guard is still doing her best to organize the evacuation, but only the nearest audience members appear to be paying any heed to her words. Below you, the musicians are fleeing the pit in a clamor of brass.

It's your cue to take the hero's role in this production and do something to save the day.

The stage crew doesn't seem to be able to take charge of the situation. You'll have to do that. You could try striding…well, clambering down through the crowd…and issuing orders with your best tone of authority, borrowed from the heroes of your plays. You could find someone who seems to be staying relatively calm and ask what you can do to help. Or you could try seizing the nearest stagehand and issuing orders in the name of the director. It's not as if he seems to have better ideas of his own.