"I don't commission you for your entertainment," Matty says, shaking her head at you. "Now, get out of here and write. Isn't that what writers do?"

As you leave Matty's office, you find yourself turning toward the stairs, down into the theater and not toward the exit. You descend past the rows of empty seats and scramble up onto the stage. It's cool and quiet in the crisp morning air, most of the theater still in shadow.

Kit wants you to throw yourself into a possibly doomed effort to avert the curse that's fallen on the Raven, a curse that it seems highly likely he deserves. Falathar is in prison. Salar blames the Raven for his mother's death, and he may be right. And Matty just wants you to write a good play.

The theater waits, empty, as if for some speech of yours to set events into motion. This would be the moment, were you a theatrical hero, to enlighten the audience as to what it is that you want most.