You shout and gesture, pantomiming the crushing weight of the oncoming wave. You can almost believe it yourself. Cenone follows your gaze, and despite himself, turns to look, as if the shadowy wave will really be behind him.

You're nearly there. The boat is being carried past the Raven. One more step, and you'll be able to reach out and touch him. You raise your dagger.

"Seize him!" Cenone cries, and one of the guards interposes himself between you and Cenone. You twist away from the guards, but they're at your heels. You're being forced toward the stage. You scramble up to it, but they're right behind you.

You can't make it to the wings. The only choice is whether to die with your back to the audience or facing them. It's hardly a choice at all.

You turn to meet the sword thrust, and as you stagger to your knees, you spread your arms wide. This is your last performance.

"Remember this! Today you have seen how tyranny dies!" you declaim, and then you can't speak anymore.

Next Chapter