IJN Yamato

[No, the world you are summoned to is what you call a swords and magic world]

"phew... thank goodness me... I guess the Spirit of Yamato was watching over me then!!" Yama now is more happier than ever when she heard that she can kick ass and fuck mud without any competition

[but there is dangerous beings like the one that tried to summon you, or a part of you]

"hmm? what?" Yama is confused by that statement since why would they want to summon a part of the IJN Yamato

"urgghhh... where... where am I?" a noble and elegant sounding female voice appeared. "AAAAAAAAARGGGHHHH!!! WTF!! WHO DAT!?!" Yama was scares the shit out of her since she did not in the slightest way thought that someone or something else is with her and the system. "WAAAH!!" the female voice was also scared because of Yama's scream

"who are you?!!"

"whomst thy is that?!??" (who the fuck is that)

both of them screamed at each other

"uhhh wtf is with that fancy talkin?" Yama's scare now is replaced with curiosity when she heard that female voice's weird way of talking. "wait I shouldn't ask that!! who are you!! tell yourself first!!" Yama decided to do the questioning first. "uhh... hmm? huh... well..." the female voice is a bit confused but she tried to grasp her surroundings "Thy am Yamato. Imperial Japanese Navy's Yamato. The Empress of the Seas" the female voice said with a more noble and calm voice. "wait... what? the IJN Yamato? the one that got r**ed by the Essex-class aircraft carriers?" Yama was confused heavily. "ah yes but please don't say it like that... it doesn't sound good..." Yamato is now a bit embarrassed because in her mind she was remembered like that

"ah I'm sorry your majesty! it is just because that is one of the easiest way to remember about you in a split second. please forgive this mortal" Yama now sounds much much more professional and with a very respectful tone as to not offend her Empress that she prayed since she was small. "ah it is fine... but why are thy now more respectful?" Yamato is confused because she thought she wouldn't be treated like this since in her life she did basically nothing and she deemed herself as a failure. "well it is because I always had admired you your majesty because of your design and authority in the Imperial Japan and that you could've been used to won the war if Japan did everything correctly! plus you had quite the reputation as a powerful and strong battleship in many games" Yama is still with her respectful tone but with a hint of happiness and eagerness because she is able to talk with the soul of the strongest battleship the world has ever seen in her dictionary that is(Iowa is stronger because of her edge in technology)

"hm? is that... did what you said is correct?" Yamato is surprised since many people is looking at her with respect than disdain. "well yes your majesty, the world sees you with respect and also see you with power and many says that you are the rival towards the USS Iowa BB-61. Your majesty's mother, Imperial Japan or now called as Japan also made a few things to make sure the future generations remember the battleship which ruled the waves and seas of Earth and Space... well the space part is because somebody wanted to make an animated story about a space battleship being powerful, elegant and beautiful and well... your majesty is the perfect battleship for it..." Yama explains with enough detail to make sure her empress understood. "I see... so.. they never hated me?" Yamato now sounds saddened at the fact that she has thought wrong about herself. Yama hearing her empress has thought bad about herself now wanted to comfort the old super battleship "yes we never hated you but we glorified you to interstellar for fun and respect... there's a reason why I wanted to be with you my empress... I have read and watched everything about you and even your sisters, predecessors, cousins(prototype designs) and more... I will be your loyal assistant.." 'I finally said that!' Yama was happy since for the longest time she wanted to talk about her empress at her empress

"I see... *sniffs* so I truly am great... *sniff* so what mother and he said was truly true... I.. I want... I want to apologies to them... b-.. b-but I guess I'll never will able to... waaahhhhh" Yamato cries and that scared tf out of Yama which didn't expect her to cry but after thinking a bit she understood. the IJN Yamato was revered as the pinnacle of battleship engineering yet she did mostly training and only participated in a few naval operations and never had much noteworthy history



after a few minutes of calming the old battleship's soul they started to get to know about each other they started to notice that they now have physical bodies but still is floating in who knows where

"hmm... hm? Yamato-san you look like Azur Lane's version of the Yamato shipgirl" Yama was intrigued since Yamato looked very fluffy(pic in the paragraph comment)

"hm? Azur Lane? shipgirls?" Yamato asks because she is still a ship nearing her late 90's so ofc her knowledge isn't the best

"uhh... Azur Lane is basically a game where you can test your luck to get a ship which has been turned into an anime girl... the same for Kantai Collection and more... so uhhhhhhhhhhh...." Yama is quite flustered since it's quite a weird concept

"oohhh... I see... interesting... huh I have 9 tails and a... uhh.. a fox ear? hmm... tis fluffy" Yamato praises her fluffyness

"hmm... yes it's very fluffy..." Yama now fluffs Yamato and then wonders her physical appearance

"Yamato-chan what do I look like?"

"hmm... Yama-chan is tall, have a big chest, long beautiful hair and... has great physique..." Yamato tries her best to describe Yama's appearance

"oh... humm... huh... ehh... ahhh... ahhn~" Yama is now playing with her body to tell what her appearance. she concluded that she is around 190cm because there is a normal sized pen on Yamato and Yamato is around 190cm and Yama's height is quite close

after a few minutes of inspecting her clothes she deducted that she is Kantai Collection's IJN Yamato shipgirl and it's the base version(paragraph comment for pic)

"hmm... it seems like I am another version of you but a shipgirl" Yama is now confident about her physical appearance


suddenly out of nowhere something akin a huge earthquake happened and both of em looked very confused but then

[Summoning failed successfully]

"da- AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!" before Yama finished her words she was thrown into oblivion with Yamato at her side being weirdly silent

in an unknown sea in an unknown location a vortext of water is forming and then suddenly 3 large magic circle appeared over and below the vortext whilst that is happening there is lightning discharging built up charge from the sky and magic circles

as this continues on a powerful shockwave is suddenly created in the epicenter of the chaotic phenomenon, the shockwave travels at the speed of sound and then disperses and then the whole sea shook as if a powerful creature has been angered and then comes out a metal beast that is around 300m long and 30 storeys high that suddenly appeared in the epicenter after the shockwave cleared up and then the whole phenomenon suddenly ceased to exist as everything turns to normal but the metal beast is still there... floating ever majestically as it calms down and starts to dry up

in the metal beast however it wasn't calm but a bit chaotic

"AAAAAA WHAT THE FUCK IS HAPPENING!!! AAAAAAAAA!!!!" Yama screams as she is flung here and there whilst Yamato is still weirdly quiet. and then the whole "place" shook and calms down. "phew... I thought I was gonno be dead.."

"but aren't you though?"

"... sometimes I feel like the world hates me"

"anyway wtf happened" Yama looks around and saw the space that they're in is now lit up with hundreds if not thousands of stars blinking slowly. "it seems like... this space... this... soul space? has... I guess materialized???" Yamato isn't good with these magical things much but she still guessed. "hmm... I guess you could call this place as a soul space... there's two souls here... hm?" Yama then spots a distorted spot and goes close to it.

"what is this?"

"hm? what's that?" Yamato is intrigued at the weird distorted space and then suddenly she saw it turns black and into a black hole. "w-what?! it turned into a black hole?!! interesting... wait I am jot getting pulled am I?" Yama was suddenly surprised at the change of the space but then she started to go around the black hole and test if it's a black hole

but then suddenly without warning

[Soul Space has been fully formed]


[Finishing the summoning]


this happened in a split second and scared tf out of Yama as she looked at the message she then found an interesting discovery. the place she is in is indeed a Soul Space and that she has been summoned

"wait then can I try to move my main guns and see the outside world?!" Yama is now excited and then goes to Yamato to tell the news but it seems like she has been informed. "hm? we have been summoned? what does that mean Yama-chan?" Yamato is a boomer so let her be

"well it's a but complicated but after I died I was apparently summoned and so does you together into another world with swords and magic instead of some other worlds. anyway we have been fully summoned and that's all you need to know. oya also it seems we are in your body before any retrofit" Yama tries her best to explain the situation at the 97 year old soul of a battleship

"I see... wait so then how do I move? hmm... do I just will it?"

"maybe... idk I just try but I think it ain't as easy as to just say and be done like that~"

[Speed set to ]



"so uhh... ?" Yama tries a few commands expecting some results

[Soul 「Yamato Isoroku」 will now take control of the body]

"huh interesting..." Yamato thought but then "WAIT WHAT?!"

"hmm... huh it's quite interesting when you become a battleship with a ton of moving parts... I can feel everything moving and everything doing it's job... and huh we are in an ocean with nothing to see" Yama in control now explores everything about the battleship and the world

"uhmm... so how is it being the battleship you loved?" Yamato asks with a blush

"it's great! it is probably the greatest feeling I have~!" Yama is very happy and it also felt great

Yamato blushes even more with Yama's answer

"hmm... " Yamato now tries to spectate her battleship self

"waaahhh... it's been so long since I saw myself on the surface of the ocean... oohh I can feel the cold breeze... ah... so calming..."

"indeed... it's so calming... and so beautiful"

then these two souls in this battleship began to experiment a bit and were able to shoot the main guns, use the radio(though there are no responses) and many more. they also are able restock shells, bombs, reconnaissance plane and etc. with the help of a skill they have after playing with the system a bit


Chap ends here and welp... thanks for reading this shitty novel