Chapter 1: How REAL is the 100% REAL game?

"How real is the 100% real total immersion game?"

Earth, some certain computer lab inside some certain university.

Reading the group chat message, Ye Wei's first thought is not video games, but the blurring big white BOOBA.

In detail, it is his savings of 「The Beauty Scroll」with 200+ mods, plus 100+ homemade Waifus becoming alive as actual people.

Cannot elaborate more, or else he may, unfortunately, end up losing his account.

His nickname in group chat is [Upbed_Ten_Times_A_Night], because the name is too long and very cultured, all group chat bois simplify it as [Nighten].

"It's just "real", literally."

"Sight, hearing, smell, touch, taste.....all feelings are the same just like in the reality, time flow in the game is 1:1 as to the real world, the time difference is about 12 hours, and because the mechanism of the game technology is able to interfere with dreaming, so playing the game is very much equal to sleeping."

The boi who typed this message, his nickname is [Light].

Very appropriate nickname, which does not fit in with the group name called [Shachiku Club]. Therefore, those trolls in the group chat sometimes called this boi "Ultraman", "Gaia", even "Azshara", or "Captain Awesome".

[Eight-level_hurricane] (group administrator): "Is this some kind of fantasy setting? (Grin)" (Note: If you read his nickname in Chinese in the reverse direction, it literally means "CrAzY BiG cOcK")

[See_you_tomorrow] (group administrator): " Sounds like years ago, it feels like the early webnovel setting which is about the friction virtual reality game."

[White_horse_crossing_the_gap] (group master): "Haha, ya mean wearing a game helmet like SAO? I kind of loved it when I was in school."

[Upbed_Ten_Times_A_Night] (group administrator): "TBH, this setting is just unreasonable, like the gaming operator has no interest in making money, but only let gamers enjoy the game? If it is 100% real, how can the p2w gamers become unique? Let's all just go f2p!"

(Note: p2w = Pay-to-win, meaning the gamers who pay extra money to win over others; f2p = free-to-play, meaning the gamers who do not spend a single penny on gaming at all)

Ye Wei does not read webnovels, but he believes as an individual who received a 9-year compulsory education, should be different in tastes from others, so instead of perceptual cheap enjoyment, he chooses rationality.

That's why he is more into fantasy and the supernatural.

[See_you_tomorrow]: "Boi, ya too serious, if really talk about rationality, then instead of having the frictional game operator make money, isn't bringing cheap enjoyment to readers outside the novel world much closer to rationality?"

[Eight-level_hurricane]: "Looping is prohibited!"

And the topic got deviated.

Although [Shachiku Club] is a video game chat group, it's very rare that they really put some earnest into discussing video games.

Especially, it is a never-ever-existed, totally-imagined "Video Game".

Nevertheless, despite the deviated topic, the starter of this topic ————That boi with nickname [Light], stubbornly brings the actual topic back in line.

[Light]: " I said 'if'."

[Light]: " If there is an actual game like this, are you willing to play it?"

Ye Wei shakes his head when seeing the message.

You ask?

[Upbed_Ten_Times_A_Night]: " HeLl yEaH! Why not? it's a 100% REAL video game, why not giving a try? You know what I mean. ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)"

[Eight-level_hurricane]: "+1, but about the setting you mentioned, I still have some questions, if really the gaming time is the same as the sleeping time, wouldn't be more reasonable if they apply this technology to working?"

[White_horse_crossing_the_gap]: "Sxxt, are you a devil?"

[See_you_tomorrow]: "I would rather sleep. (wry smile)"

[Quit-smoking]: "No bed at night, but dreaming in the group chat?"


More members appear.

There are also some who do not chat but still peeping with interest.

In a two-hundred-member gaming chat group, those who stay active only account for ten to twenty. Sometimes, there was someone new who "know-you-but-you-have-no-idea-who-that-is", oh, had actually peeping for more than two years.

That [Light] boi does not give a frick, continues to dive in his own world.

"Actually, the company where I just enrolled, is currently developing a full-immersion online virtual reality game."

The noisy group chat goes silent for a short time.

But quickly, as if they make a promise, a stream of messages bursts.


"For real?"

"Nice bro, I almost believed it. (funny) "

Ye Wei thought this guy has way too much drama.

A full-immersion online virtual reality game?

100% real?

Cut the bullsxxt.

Just like what [Hurricane] bro said, if this really exists, why do they even use this technology to make a video game?

Certainly, he disagrees with putting it directly to the work. In his imagination, if such amazing technology exists, it must be firstly used for military purposes.

So nice if it can be used to train tactical soldiers!

[Light] bro ends talking, but sends a website link.

Ye Wei clicks on it, discovering it is the official site of a video game.

The website page is poorly made, looks like the company does not even have the funding to hire a designer; the hollow empty page has zero content, but only three lines of words.

[100% real virtual reality online game - 「Wasteland OL」]

[Current reservation: 0]

[Reservation: yes/no]

Ye Wei laughed.

Here we go, after so much foreshadowing, it turns out to be a fricking ad.

Don't know if it is gambling or betting.

But the reservation counting looks real, no make-up eight-digit currently online gamers, or some kind of famous movie celebrity is also playing this game.

Click "yes" with the mouse.

But both strangely and surprisingly, there is no registration page pooping out as expected, apart from the reservation turns from 0 to 1, no more additional change happens.

"This shxtty game does not even ask you to register an account?"

Ye Wei took a bizarre shot from it, making him doubt: is this thing really an ad or not?

Could it be a virus?

Not possibly.

Look at the current era, the antivirus software has almost become a part of the history, are there still any viruses that can infect your computer by clicking YES or NO?

No need to speak about this is the laptop from a computer lab of a university.

Even if using his own laptop, he is afraid of nothing.


[Reservation: 11]

Wasteland, Sanctuary 404, Resident Hall.

Seeing the reservation number on the computer screen, sitting in a shabby room, Light Chu feels relieved, releasing his tight grab away from the mouse.

"Is this good enough?"

Two lines of words, floating in front of his eyes, are the answer to his question.

[Mission complete]

[Reward: one Carbon Nanofibre Ballistic Vest, Reward Point +5.]

The wall on one side of the room slightly shakes, as the arc-like alloy-metal gate opens, one black vest lies on top of the flat surface behind the gate.

The conveyor belt delivered the vest out.

The alloy-metal gate closes, and the room is back to silence.

Light Chu stands up immediately, he comes to pick the vest up.

Its weight is very light, the feel is like icy silk pyjamas, smooth and soft, it's hard to believe that this thing is able to tank the flying bullets.

[Name: Carbon Nanofibre Ballistic Vest

Description: Effectively absorb kinetic energy from bullets, dispersing impact energy within the range of tolerance, providing certain resistance against piercing, stabbing, and cutting.

Durability: 100%]

Rewards retrieved from the Sanctuary System will be registered in the inventory slots, plus the product description and operating manual.

Light Chu quickly strips his clothes, and wears the vest with contact with his skin.

In the beginning, it feels a bit cold, but he adapts it within a short period.

At this moment, one cylinder-like metal object, left in the corner of the room, is making an electronic sound neither with a high nor a low pitch.

"Congratulation, master, seems like you have already completed your first mission."

"Can you stop speaking abruptly?"

"Yes, master."

That waste bin-like robot, the name is Qi.

As the Governor's assistant of Sanctuary 404, strictly speaking, it does not have a name, but only one identification code of 777.

(Note: seven in Chinese is pronounced as Qi)

But Light Chu found it pretty inconvenient, so he gave it a name.

As for Light Chu, who is he, and why is he here, at Sanctuary 404? The story began on a gloomy, terrifying night...