Chapter 46: Developer's Log: Alpha 0.3 Version

Official Website:

[Wasteland OL Closed Alpha 0.3 Version Update Announcement]

[Major Updates:

1. Increased the number of closed alpha gamers to 50.

2. Brand new economic system.

3. Brand new honor system.



1. Added several new mutant models.

2. More diverse tradable resources.

3. Fixed a few bugs.



After the announcement was posted, Light Chu didn't idle around. He continued to pin his pre-edited post on the forum of the official website.

As a major update that concerned the interests of all gamers, he had to have a good discussion with the gamers in his role as a planner.

"Developer's Log: Alpha 0.3 Version"

"Hello everyone, I'm your dearest game planner. Thanks to our continuous overtime work and the punctuality of the closed alpha gamers who clock in every day, the development progress of Wasteland OL has taken a big step forward!"

"It's not me bragging, but this update of the alpha 0.3 version will be the most significant update since the start of the game's closed alpha!"

"We've had gamers complaining before about the complicated settlement process of contribution points, having to go offline to check, unable to experience the joy of counting money in the game, and always worried about NPC deducting their wages... Actually, this worry is completely unnecessary. The Governor of Sanctuary 404, who also serves as the newbie guide, is absolutely fair in the settings and will never deduct a single penny from your wages. I can vouch for it with my integrity!"

"However, even though the issue of deducting wages doesn't exist, the problem of the cumbersome settlement process for contribution points indeed exists. After receiving feedback, our planning department held a three-day and three-night meeting and finally came to the conclusion - we cannot sacrifice gameplay for the sake of realism."

"Therefore, we have decided to design a brand new currency to replace the original contribution points as the main reward for gamers in tasks!"

"This currency is very convenient, mainly divided into two denominations: 1 and 10. It comes in brass and silver colors and can be used to purchase food, equipment, as well as other paid services and goods."

"Yes, after this update, food will no longer be provided for free but will require gamers to spend in-game copper coins or silver coins to purchase. At the same time, players will also receive money as a reward from tasks... Doesn't this sound interesting? The gameplay instantly becomes richer!"

"On the other hand, after the Alpha 0.3 update, the sanctuary will allow its residents to have their own private property! Items or equipment that gamers pick up from the wasteland will belong to them and can be traded with others or sold to the sanctuary for rewards."

"For this reason, we have specially introduced an additional warehouse system, located in the buffer room at the entrance of the sanctuary!"

"There is a row of lockers that can be password-protected. You may have noticed them before, and now they are open for use. You can store money, weapons, or anything except hazardous items that are prohibited from being brought into the sanctuary!"

"What? You're asking if it's free? Of course, it's not! But don't worry, the rent is very affordable, and everyone can afford it!"

"In addition, gamers who hold a large number of contribution points don't need to be discouraged! Although contribution points are no longer used as currency, the NPCs recognize your contributions to the sanctuary and the entire civilization."

"After researching in our planning department, we have decided to incorporate contribution points into the new 'Honor' system!"

"This system is independent of the economic system and mainly relates to the 'privileges' that gamers enjoy in the sanctuary.. In simple terms, it can be used to exchange for identity and titles!"

"All gamers start with the default identity of sanctuary residents, and for 2000 contributions, they can upgrade from residents to citizens."

"In Sanctuary 404, residents only enjoy basic human rights, and only citizens can have private land."

"Currently, only the exchange for the 'Citizen' identity is open. The basic citizen identity only supports the purchase of a 5-square-meter private land, and this number will continue to increase with the promotion of identity."

"More identities and titles will be released gradually in subsequent updates, depending on the progress of testing."

"At the same time, the upcoming systems such as mercenaries, caravans, guilds, and legions also have certain requirements for identity and contribution points."

"After the Alpha 0.3 version, the rewards for daily tasks will mainly be in the form of money. Only behaviors that contribute to the overall interests of the outpost can earn contribution points. This includes but is not limited to serving public positions, resolving emergencies, and making great creations and inventions."

"Please remember these points!"

After posting the thread, it didn't immediately cause a big response, but that was within Light Chu's expectations.

It was 3 p.m. in the wasteland and the early morning in reality, making it too late for those who didn't get a reservation and too early for gamers currently in the game.

They would see it when they logged out.

Stretching lazily, Light Chu was about to shut down his computer when he suddenly noticed a new reply to the post.

[Raven_raven: What's going on? It's updated already!? Did I miss the entire 0.2 version?! QAQ]

Seeing this post, Light Chu was surprised.

This gurl really delivered on his promise. No helmet, no sleep, huh?

But he couldn't help it.

If possible, Light Chu would wish for the gamers' resurrection cooldown to be shorter than anyone else, but unfortunately, it took some time for an embryo to develop into a mature individual.

Just endure it a little longer. They should be able to join tomorrow.

Without paying attention to this unlucky gamer, Light Chu shut down his computer and headed outside the sanctuary.

Since he bought a batch of tools from Brown's farm last time, the players' efficiency in doing tasks had indeed improved a lot.

It had only been two days since the third batch of gamers entered the game, and the concrete wall around the sanatorium was almost repaired.

Not only that, Light Chu also noticed that some players, led by [Mercy_my_life], were digging foundations and laying yellow clay bricks with cement on the empty space in front of the sanatorium. It looked like they were building a house.

Light Chu walked up and grabbed a gamer who was carrying bricks and asked, "What are you guys doing?"

The gamer was straightforward and smiled as he explained, "I heard that the new NPC is a weapons merchant, so we are building an armory for her!"


Hearing this, Light Chu was amazed.

They are so proactive?

Although he did share some information about the NPC with Tomorrow, he never hinted at building an armory.

This prediction is simply in the stratosphere!

He didn't show any expression on his face and continued to look at the other foundation, asking, "And the other one?"

The gamer answered with a smile, "Oh, that one is supposed to be a bathhouse!"

"We used to wash up by the lakeside, but later we realized it wasn't safe to do so. Especially yesterday, Brother White nearly got his little worm bitten off by a catfish. So we discussed and decided to build a public bathhouse."


Damn, can't laugh.

Light Chu held it in, maintaining a stiff expression, and nodded, "Ahem, keep up the good work."

"Maintaining hygiene is a good thing..."

The gamer chuckled and said, "Got it! I'll get back to work then."

"Go ahead."

The evening came quickly.

[Tomato_scrambled_eggs] placed an iron pot on the open space, first throwing in a piece of hyena fat to render oil. Then he added the diced venison and some leafy vegetables he had found somewhere and stir-fried them over high heat, sprinkling salt for seasoning.

Tonight's menu was stir-fried fern with venison, paired with lightly boiled barley porridge.

Thanks to the reindeer provided by the Governor, gamers could finally improve their meals.

"Where did you find that iron pot?" Curious about the unfamiliar kitchenware Tomato held in his hand, Light Chu looked at White, the closest to him, and asked.

"Ah, that one? It's something Tomorrow and I made," White replied with a smirk in response to the Governor's inquiry.

"You made it?" Light Chu glanced at him in surprise and then asked, "Your furnace... is it working?"

"It's working now! Although the quality of the iron and steel we produce is only average, it's still good enough for making some tools," White proudly smiled and continued, "I wanted to report it to you earlier, but couldn't find you anywhere, hehe."

Light Chu didn't expect these gamers to even master the technique of smelting steel through such primitive methods. Although the quality of the steel produced through this method might not meet expectations, isn't every technology developed step by step?

With iron, not to mention combat power, at least productivity could take another step forward!

Light Chu felt emotional and admiration was written all over his face.

"You've done well. I will report your contribution to the organization. Both you and Tomorrow will receive a reward of 1000 contribution points... as recognition for meeting the steel demand of the outpost."

White was overjoyed and quickly responded, "It's my honor to help ease your burden!"

Light Chu shook his head. "You're too polite."

These gamers were all talented, and their words were pleasing to the ear. Being a governor seemed too easy for him.

He remembered when he was still in Bette Street, he had heard from the old Charlie in the general store that most sanctuary governor didn't have a good ending.

The sanctuary residents were much more difficult to deal with than the survivors in the wasteland. Even if they were well-fed and clothed, they would still ignore the dire circumstances and make some unrealistic demands.

Very few raiders could directly breach the reinforced alloy gates of a sanctuary. Most sanctuaries that fell into disrepair due to non-natural causes crumbled due to internal conflicts and divisions, leading to self-destruction from within.

When Light Chu heard these words from Old Charlie's mouth back then, he always felt a tinge of melancholy in his tone.

As if it was his own experience.

When he first took over the management rights of Sanctuary 404, Light Chu was actually somewhat apprehensive, afraid that he wouldn't be able to do a good job. Therefore, he had always kept a way out for himself in Bette Street, bribing Lil Fishie Yu to help him watch over the sanctuary.

But now, he no longer thought that way.

Similar things might happen in any sanctuary, but they would definitely not happen in his.

Walking to the cooking stove, Light Chu held a bowl and looked at Tomato, who had just finished cooking, and said, "Serve me a bowl too."

Tomato looked surprised.

In his impression, this NPC had never eaten with them before. So much so that he had once suspected that this man didn't need to eat in terms of game design.

Has the artificial intelligence been upgraded?

"I'll do it!"

Vine_vine, who was waiting by the stove, industriously took the bowl and filled it with a generous serving of barley porridge, handing it to the Governor.

"Be careful, it's hot."

"Thank you."

Light Chu nodded in gratitude, then had Tomato spoon some stir-fried venison onto the thick barley porridge. He turned around and walked toward the elevator of the sanctuary.