Chapter 7: Training in Kukuroo Mountain

After stopping by the front desk to return the room key as well as deliver some drastic news about 'rats' being in the walls, of the hotel room, both Soren and Machi left while heading towards Kukuroo Mountain, and due to yesterday's incident, no tour guides were willing to drive out there for a while, so the both of them were stuck walking. Because they were in no rush, it took the both of them about 4 hours to reach the massive testing gates of Kukuroo Mountain, upon coming up to the guard shack, Soren and Machi were met with two figures, Soren recognized both, but should logically only know who one of the figures were.

"Welcome back, Soren": zebro

Zebro came towards both Soren and Machi with a tall man with slicked back black hair wearing gold framed pointed glasses and a butler's attire, Soren knew this person as Gotoh, the head butler of the Zoldyck family, the man with such a hard on for Killua that you would think he slept with Killua's mother and Killua was actually his son, but the white hair and blue eyes attests that Killua is Silva's spawn.

"Hello, Zebro… Who's your friend?": soren

"Soren, this is the head butler of the house, his name is Gotoh… Also, who is this young lady?": zebro

Gotoh stayed silent, as he was only here to observe and report to the family, since Zebro was unable to gather any other information aside from a name, but even that could be fake.

"This is my friend, Machi… We grew up together in Meteor City": soren

Upon hearing that the two came from Meteor City, Gotoh's eyes widened a bit, but not by an obvious margin as he now had more information that could actually provide a lot of answers.

"Zebro… I'll be taking my leave, please train this young man well, and I guess the girl can stay as well": gotoh

The first thing that Gotoh said and it was simply giving an order before he disappeared making his way back inside.

"Well, you heard the man… Let's go inside… Also, when you see Mike, don't be frightened, he won't attack you if you come in through the testing gate": zebro

Soren only nodded while Machi was confused as this was her first time here. She didn't know who Zebro and Gotoh were, and she never got a chance to witness Mike dispose of his victims bones outside of the door after eating them.

"Zebro-san… Can I be the one to open the gate?": soren

Zebro was shocked, as just yesterday it was obvious that Soren was unable to open the gate, so he asked.

"You think you can open it today?... Why the sudden progression?": zebro

"Don't get me wrong, by no means can I open the gate with my physical strength alone, but if I shroud my body in Ren, I feel I could open the gate": soren

When Zebro heard that Soren could use Nen, he was a bit surprised, but still let Soren do what he wanted as he wanted to see just how strong he was. After getting the okay to open the gate, Soren once again placed himself before the gate as he positioned himself to open the gate, and right before pushing, he activated his Nen as a red cloak wrapped around his body as it slightly boosted his strength, and after performing Ren, Soren's aura spiked as his strength rose drastically, and seeing his strength settle at a maximum output without opening any limiters, he began pushing on the testing gate, and after a few seconds the gate began opening as it soon became wide enough to fit 4 people standing side by side. After seeing the gate open, Soren powered down as both Zebro and Machi came over and all three of them walked through while Zebro began asking the question that came to mind.

"Why would you want to train to open the gate when you can already open it with Nen?... It makes no sense": zebro

Hearing this question, Soren could only smile as he began explaining.

"Nen abilities differ in each person, and while you may have Nen abilities with similar powers, they may not have the same requirements to use these powers… My ability requires high physical training and strength to handle the power of my Nen ability that multiplies my strength by different degrees": soren

"Ah, so you're an Enhancer like me": zebro

"Yeah, I'm an Enhancer": soren

Soren lied as he didn't feel like revealing his true power just yet, nor the fact that he was actually a Specialist, and seeing as he no longer wanted to answer questions regarding his Nen abilities, Zebro changed the topic as they continued towards the guard house.

"So, what are your plans after you finish your training?": zebro

Soren thought about this question for a minute before he spoke.

"I don't know… Maybe I'll become a Hunter?... While I was in town I heard that they make a fortune as well as are regarded as a force of higher standing than a military or police force": soren

Zebro thought about his answer before he stopped walking, and upon seeing Zebro stop, both Machi and Soren began wondering what he was up to.

"Why did we stop?": machi

"Oh!... We stopped because you have yet to meet Mike… Oh, MIKE!!!": zebro

After calling for Mike, Soren remembered that they would need to meet with Mike so he could remember them and not attack them during shift changes, but what Soren worried about was Machi, as she had no idea who or what Mike was and he didn't want her attacking him out of fear.

"Machi, when you see Mike, don't attack him": soren

Upon hearing this, Machi was a bit confused, but she agreed nonetheless, and after feeling a sinister and cold aura approach them, Machi began to cold sweat as the fear was growing in her heart, but Soren could only feel an overwhelming pressure, but no fear as this presence was similar to the time he created his Hatsu, being wild and deadly.

'Oh?... The girl's reaction is normal, but this boy; Soren… He's completely calm under such a situation… Perhaps he has had an encounter with a similar situation?': zebro

"This is Mike, the Zoldyck family's hunting dog… He is a special breed meant to track and hunt monsters… Don't worry, he will not attack you because you have entered through the testing gate, and right now he is memorizing every single detail of your face down to the slightest cut or blemish and he will be like that for a while": zebro

After meeting with Mike, Zebro led both Soren and Machi to the guard house where he opened the 500 kg front door and let the both of them inside.

"Welcome to the guard house… You guys will be living here during the duration of your stay… Please, have a seat": zebro

Zebro then gave a simple rundown of how they would train and about the specific weights of everything in the house, and when Machi heard that the bathroom door weighed 500 kg, she just about pissed herself.

"Soren, I don't think I'll be able to hold it until I can open the door by myself": machi

"Just use your Nen, you should be able to open the door, albeit with a bit of struggle… Just don't piss yourself": soren

Soren's cold tone was his way of teasing Machi, and it was obvious that it was working as she blushed while pouting with a few tears in her eyes.

"How can you be so mean!!": machi

Zebro only stood back as he watched the back and forth banter between the two as he thought to himself.

'A friend?... More like a lover… Ah, what it is to be young again': zebro

"Alright, now it's time to put on the weighted clothes… We will start out with 70 kg for Machi's vest and will increase it as she gets used to it, while for you, Soren… Hmm, how about a 400 kg vest and 200 kg ankle weights?": zebro

Upon hearing such a strict number, Soren felt like he might break himself just trying to walk around the house without Nen, and the thought seemed to appear on his face as Zebro spoke up reassuring him.

"Don't worry, I have a keen sense for potential and I can see that this will be nothing for you to handle, but try not to default to Nen just because you're having trouble, hehehe": zebro

Soren only nodded in approval before he took his weighted clothes from Zebro, while Machi did the same before realizing just how heavy the vests were.

"Are you trying to kill me!?... I'll die in my sleep with this thing!": machi

"Haha, oh yeah… I forgot to mention, but only take these off when you go to sleep… Now just spend the next couple of days getting used to the weight before we get to the real training": zebro

Soren and Machi then spent the next week getting used to the weight of the vests before they were tasked by Zebro to start lifting different weighted items, and doing push ups, sit ups, and squats with added weight besides the vests. To Soren, this felt like a hellish week at the gym, even though he had never really gone to the gym in his past life due to other interests, while Machi felt that this was just torture with extra steps. When Machi went to sleep at the end of the day, Soren was still up at night training his Nen, as the added weight created strain that began to push his Nen further, as his Nen base grew along with his physical body, and after transmuting his aura into the 5 different elements as he played around with them, he had ended the night of training as he went to bed. And after two years, Soren finally decided to test his new strength as both he and Machi arrived at the testing gate with smiles on their faces as they both removed the weighted vests.

"After two years, I can finally take off this stupid vest for anything other than sleeping and bathing!": machi

Over the course of the last two years, Machi had progressed strength wise, and appearance wise, as her once A-cup sized breasts had grown into a C-cup. Machi was now 16, while Soren had turned 17, and although they didn't know their actual birth dates being orphans, but they both decided on a day of the year to celebrate, and Machi chose May 3rd, and Soren chose the same day as his birth date from his previous life, being October 19th. Also during the two year training, both of them had decided to form a relationship as the two of them became boyfriend and girlfriend, and upon Machi's insistence, they both shared the same bed, as 'That's what boyfriend and girlfriend do' as she said.

"So, how many gates do you think I can open?": soren

"Hmm… Seeing all the hard work you've put in, I'd say at the least, 3 gates, and that's without Nen": machi

"Hmm… So the goal is 3 gates today?... Alright, let's see": soren

As soren took off the weighted vest and the ankle weights, he no longer felt stiff as he began stretching before walking over to the testing gate and placing his hands on the familiar stone doors, and without any hesitation, Soren forced all of his strength through his arms, as the blood vessels began to bulge as his muscles tensed up, and the gates began to rumble before the fourth level of the gate began to wobble before standing still as a mountain leaving the 3rd gate to open fully.

'Damn… I'm close to being able to open the 4th gate without Nen': soren

After letting the gates close again, Soren could hear Machi clapping for his progress behind him, as now it was her turn to test herself with the gate.

"Ptu ptu… Alright, arms, don't fail me now!': machi

Machi fack spit into her hands before smacking them together and rubbing the dust from them as he placed her hands on the testing gate and began pushing as the second gate began to shake, but ultimately only the first gate opened for her.

"What!?... How is that possible!... I can clearly open the second gate, but it must have gotten stuck… Yeah, that's it!": machi

Machi was in a state of unacceptance as she stuck her tongue out at the gate as it closed, while Zebro watched from afar as he sat in the guard shack, and upon seeing the time, he shouted towards Soren.

"Soren!... It's shift change, come take over!": zebro

In the last year, Soren had begun taking turns guarding the gate with Zebro, and it proved quite beneficial to both Zebro's health, and Mike's dinner schedule, as the first day on shift, Soren noticed a small group of bounty hunters make their way over to him demanding for the key, but Soren's killing intent sent them packing, as he didn't want to be responsible for Mike having a stomach ache seeing as he was just fed.

"Alright, Zebro… I'm on my way": soren

Soren picked up the weighted vest that seemed to be made using Nen, as the thin looking vest weighed around 4,000 kg while the ankle weights weighed around 2,000 kg a piece, and after having Machi take her vest back, he sent her back into the estate with Zebro while he took over the shift and began reading the newspaper.

"We've been here for 2 years now, and it seems that not long after Machi and I left the Troupe to explore, did they also begin to branch out of Meteor City, and now most of the world knows about them, and there are some criminals who pretend to be members… Hehe, what a joke, these idiots would never be able to hold a candle to actual Troupe members… I wonder, is it time to move on from Kukuroo Mountain?... Although there is still more I could learn, I'm not a Zoldyck, so they wouldn't teach me anything… I guess this is the best it gets": soren